Joanlee Ferrara: Teacher, friend and respected artist. In her memory, her family has donated the paintings below to Villa Duchesne, where she taught happily for so many years, and the alumnae association to which both she and her daughter belonged. Browse the pictures and descriptions below. To bid on a painting, put a comment below it on this site or send an email to We will award the paintings to the highest bids at 3:30pm on Saturday, 12 March, the date of Joanlee's memorial service.

All proceeds will go to fund art education at Villa Duchesne.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Giverny Pond

Matted watercolor, 16" x 20". Mom and I spent a glorious summer holiday in France in 1997, first wandering around chateau in the Loire, then heading to Normandy to visit Monet's garden at Giverny. That's Monet's rowing boat moored at the top of the picture, from which he used to paint those famous water lilies. You're getting a bit of reflection in this photo from the cellophane that's wrapped around the painting; the actual painting is a bit brighter.

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