Joanlee Ferrara: Teacher, friend and respected artist. In her memory, her family has donated the paintings below to Villa Duchesne, where she taught happily for so many years, and the alumnae association to which both she and her daughter belonged. Browse the pictures and descriptions below. To bid on a painting, put a comment below it on this site or send an email to We will award the paintings to the highest bids at 3:30pm on Saturday, 12 March, the date of Joanlee's memorial service.

All proceeds will go to fund art education at Villa Duchesne.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

The Missing Line

Framed (thin wooden strip, no glass). 31.75" x 41". Oil on canvas. Mom dabbled in abstraction in the late '60s. It was, of course, the style. She did a few excellent pieces, this amongst them, but actually found the style quite constraining. She had to do much more planning for these paintings, with preliminary sketches and lots of prep work before starting. This one, of course, demanded ruthless discipline for all those straight lines. (And ruthless discipline was not, we all know, one of Joanlee's strengths.) Somewhere amongst the weeks it took to paint this, she actually forgot to do one line. She didn't notice it until years later. After which she made it a bit of a party game for visitors to the house. Could they find the missing line?

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